...a dark brooding label....a generic looking bottle.....what could be in here??
Well, for starters, this hot sauce is one of the best finds we have come across, just by accident! Grandma Shivji's garlic sauce is unbelievably good. So much so we are now stocking it (we love it too ;)
The flavor is heat, garlic, and a tangy-tang that I can't put my finger on. Oh wait, here's the ingredients list: fresh red peppers, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, salt, sodium benzoate...maybe it's the lemon juice? WHATEVER. This is good SH*T!
Ingredients: fresh red peppers, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, salt.
Size: 5oz
Heat Level: 6
Country: Canada
1 Review
My personal favorite of the Grandma Shivji line of sauces.
This is a thicker sauce that can be used on everything from pizza to salads. Heat is maybe a 6/10 so it's not hot but just warm enough. Lots of tangy taste in this one and the garlic shines through. Absolutely love it. Buy it by the case 'cuz you'll find you want it all the time! Originally posted Nov 17, 2012